Program Eligibility

New York, New Jersey and Puerto Rico Manufacturing and Service Companies Affected by Foreign Competition Should Apply

TAAC Federal Funding Eligibility

Manufacturing and Service  firms doing business in New York, New Jersey and Puerto Rico that have been adversely affected by foreign trade are eligible for assistance through the TAAC.

In most cases, your company's eligibility for assistance is based on meeting 3 criteria:

1. Identify Significant Foreign Competition: Similar imported products or services have contributed importantly to the loss of sales and demonstrated by:

  • Customers reducing their purchases in favor of imported products.


  • Quotations or bids that were lost in favor of imported products.

2. Decline in Sales Volume: Experiencing a recent decline in sales, production volume, or both:

  • A decline in total sales or production in the most recent 12 month period compared with preceding 12, 24, or 36 months.


  • An interim decline in sales or production in the most recent 6 month period compared with the same 6 month period in the prior year.

3. Workforce Reduction: Experiencing a decline in workforce employment (or are anticipating one):

  • Decline in average employment in the most recent 12 month period compared with the preceding 12, 24, or 36 month periods.


  • An interim decline in average employment in the most recent 6 month period compared with the same 6 month period in the prior year.

Believe your business may qualify? Get Started Today! We are ready to will assist you in a preliminary, confidential assessment of whether or not the TAAC program could assist you!